Market News: A gigantic dragon awaits the world at the Beijing airport.Product News: Scia Engineer – Cellular beams 'ENV : 1992/A2'.Corporate News: Nemetschek Scia adapts its company structure to its growth.In this edition we have chosen the following topics for you: In this May-edition we have news from all over the world from a water treatment plant in Eupen (B) to a dragon-shaped terminal in Peking. Ideas, tips, suggestions and/or remarks to improve the e-newsletter are always welcome. This month we already send out our 40th edition! Exactly four years ago we launched our very first eNews. Training calender 2008 & online registrations. The following service packs in our download On the 22nd and 29th May, Nemetschek Scia organizes releasedays ' Scia Engineer' in the BenNeLux. Please contact Charles Wilby for more details. In June we will be running a series of seminars in the UAE including a seminar hosted by the UAE Society of Engineers on 11 June 2008 in Dubai. We are looking for engineers with a background in construction and structural engineering wishing to pursue a career as support or sales engineers based in the UAE and other locations throughout Asia. We kindly invite you to read our brochure and leaflet. Has joined Scia as the regional head of sales international. Scia has passed the second and last test on IFC 2x3 certification with its flagship product SCIA